Accepting an offer

After presenting offers to the Merchant, the partner needs to handle the acceptance of an offer if the merchant chooses to proceed with finance.

Upon confirmation of the offer, a request must be made to the /offers/{offer_id}/accept endpoint, with the offer_Id being the unique identifier for that specific offer originally returned in the /offers response. The flow can be simply visualised:

Upon acceptance, the application will be moved into the fulfilment stage and progressed by Liberis agents. If required the Merchant will contacted for further data gathering if any data was omitted in the initial offers request.

Additionally, the /offers/accept endpoint allows the submission of banking data, reducing the need for discourse between Liberis agents and the Merchant and allowing 'auto submission'. We highly recommend partners submit these fields at this stage in order to progress an application smoothly and speed up time to fund.

Accept without supporting data

POST /offers/{offerId}/accept

Accept with supporting data

POST /offers/{offerId}/accept
     "bank_details": {
          "account_number": "42349483",
          "bank_name": "TSB",
          "account_type": "NONE",
          "sort_code": "43-62-95"

Offer expiry

An application and set of offers have a set expiry set at the point of creation. When attempting to accept an offer that has expired, the request will return a 404 and a new application will need to be submitted. If using our auto decisioning, this means a credit check will be executed on the merchants consumer file for a second time.

This implies partners should ideally keep track of this expiry after an initial set of offers is created rather than relying on the endpoint returning a 404 to control a process.

Embedding a contract

Within the /offers/{offer_id}/accept response a links object is returned. One of these links will be the link to the contract the merchant has to sign, which can be embedded within the onboarding journey.

  	"links": {
        "contract_link" : "contract_link_example_value"

Getting information about an accepted offer

Within the /offers/{offer_id}/accept response a links object is returned. One of these links will be a personalised link to the merchant endpoint.

  	"links": {
        "merchant_link": "merchant_link_example_value"