This page shows the deal events in the Liberis webhooks to notify you whenever a deal is initiated, concluded, or renewed, sharing relevant information about the deal such as its identifiers and financial details.

Events: deal_started

Triggered when a deal is funded by Liberis, marking it as active.

  "id": "6e17e99c-d2fc-48d6-b60a-d543c5c8aa52",
  "api_version": "1.0",
  "event": "deal_started",
  "created_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
  "data": {
    "deal_id": "5001a000002bsyxcch",
    "type": "Renewal",
    "balance": "15000.00",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "start_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
    "pricing": {
      "repayment_amount": "15000.00",
      "funded_amount": "10000.00",
      "split_percent": "20",
      "factor_rate": "1.5",
      "estimated_length_months": "9"
    "references": {
      "application": "5001a000002axxeef",
      "merchant": "6f07701-96d0-4d1a-b82c-ad6c069014fe",
      "external_merchant": "M_12432_4345"
    "actions": {
      "notify": "<url>"

deal_idstringThe ID of the Deal in Liberis’ system.
typestringThe type of deal that has started.
balancestringThe remaining balance on the deal.
currencystringThe three-letter ISO currency code.
start_datestringAn ISO date string indicating when the deal was activated.
pricingobjectThe agreed pricing for the deal.
referencesobjectA list of ids for related objects
applicationstringThe ID of the Application in Liberis’ system.
merchantguidThe ID of the Merchant in Liberis’ system (also known as the LiberisId).
external_merchantstringThe ID of the Merchant in the Partner's system (as supplied to Liberis by the Partner).
actionsobject(Some payment types only): A list of actions that can be performed in response to receiving this webhook.
notifystringThe URL to call to inform Liberis of the result of your attempt to process this webhook.

See Replying to Webhook Actions for more details.

Events: deal_complete

Triggered when an active deal is concluded normally, indicating its inactive status.

  "id": "6e17e99c-d2fc-48d6-b60a-d543c5c8aa52",
  "api_version": "1.0",
  "event": "deal_complete",
  "created_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
  "data": {
    "deal_id": "5001a000002bsyxcch",
    "end_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
    "references": {
      "application": "5001a000002axxeef",
      "merchant": "6f07701-96d0-4d1a-b82c-ad6c069014fe",
      "external_merchant": "M_12432_4345"
    "actions": {
      "notify": "<url>"
deal_idstringThe ID of the Deal in Liberis’ system.
end_datestringAn ISO date string indicating when the deal completed
referencesobjectA list of IDs related to the merchant
applicationstringThe ID of the application in Liberis' system
merchantguidThe ID of the merchant in Liberis' system (also known as the LiberisId)
external_merchantstringThe ID of the Merchant in the Partner's system (as supplied to Liberis by the Partner).
actionsobjectA list of actions that can be performed in response to receiving this webhook.
notifystringThe URL to call to inform Liberis of the result of your attempt to process this webhook.

See Replying to Webhook Actions for more details.

Events: deal_renewed

This webhook is used to inform partners that a merchant's deal is complete because it was renewed by a new deal. The shape of the data is the same as the deal_complete webhook above. If a deal is renewed you should expect a deal_renewed webhook for the original deal and a deal_started webhook for the new deal to arrive in quick succession.

  "id": "6e17e99c-d2fc-48d6-b60a-d543c5c8aa52",
  "api_version": "1.0",
  "event": "deal_renewed",
  "created_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
  "data": {
    "deal_id": "5001a000002bsyxcch",
    "end_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
    "references": {
      "application": "5001a000002axxeef",
      "merchant": "6f07701-96d0-4d1a-b82c-ad6c069014fe",
      "external_merchant": "M_12432_4345"
deal_idstringThe ID of the Deal in Liberis’ system.
end_datestringAn ISO date string indicating when the deal completed
referencesobjectA list of IDs related to the merchant
applicationstringThe ID of the application in Liberis' system
merchantguidThe ID of the merchant in Liberis' system (also known as the LiberisId)
external_merchantstringThe ID of the Merchant in the Partner's system (as supplied to Liberis by the Partner).