JUMP TOLiberis API V2About this APIMandated terminologyEnvironmentsMarketing with dashboard adsGetting merchant offersCustomising an offerAccepting an offerGathering Merchant dataRenewing a dealEndpointsAuthenticationpostCreate Partner ClientpostGet Partner Client StatusgetCreate Partner Client RevenuepostGet Partner Client Revenue StatusgetGet AdvertgetAccept AdvertgetGet OfferspostAccept OfferpostCancel applicationpatchGet Merchant DatagetGet Account DetailsgetGet Balance and SplitgetGet DocumentgetCreate PaymentspostRespond to ActionpostWebhooksConfiguring webhooksEvents - BCAPayment setupDealApplicationEvents - FlexiApplicationFlexi AccountTransaction NotificationActionsImplementation GuidanceSettlement AccountPartner SplitSettlementsPartner E-splits SetupReconciliationFile Based SettlementsThe Settlement APIClick2signUsing the Click2Sign IframePartner data sharingThe Selection File - BCAThe Selection File - FlexiSharing Data via APISharing Data via CSV filePlatform USGetting Started With Your APIPlatform EUGetting Started With Your APIPowered by Implementation GuidanceIntroduction This section contains guidance for partners to successfully implement an automated solution using Liberis Create and Webhooks. Note that the exact flow to implement will depend upon the payment method in use: Settlement Account Partner Split