The Liberis Settlement API allows Partners to record the progress of a split repayment merchant to Liberis for internal reconciliation purposes. Partners are required to push a daily record of the merchant’s previous day revenue as well as the split amount sent to Liberis, using the Settlement API. Liberis then uses this record to roll down the balance and reconcile (in the case of a settlement), while also monitoring the performance of the merchant.

We require this API be called daily for every active merchant a partner has with Liberis. Note the repayments array in
the request body, the data can be batched (recommended < 50 records per batch).

Base address:

Authentication: OAuth2 client credentials flow using credentials provided to Partner during onboarding.

Example cURL

curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
  "repayments": [
      "batchDate": "2023-02-28T16:14:19.091Z",       
      "batchNumber": "string",                      
      "companyId": "string",                        
      "liberisId": "string",                        
      "currencyCode": "string",                      
      "transactionType": "string",                 
      "transactionAmount": 0,                   
      "repaymentAmount": 0,                         
      "settlementStart": "2023-02-28T16:14:19.091Z", 
      "settlementEnd": "2023-02-28T16:14:19.091Z"
}' ''

API Payload

  "repayments": [
      "batchDate": "2023-02-28T16:14:19.091Z",       - Date of record batch
      "batchNumber": "string",                       - Batch number for payment
      "companyId": "string",                         - Partners Id for merchant
      "liberisId": "string",                         - Liberis Id for merchant
      "currencyCode": "string",                      - Currency of payment
      "transactionType": "string",                   - Unsettled | Settled | Revenue
      "transactionAmount": 0,                        - Pre-split amount
      "repaymentAmount": 0,                          - Amount split to Liberis
      "settlementStart": "2023-02-28T16:14:19.091Z", - Used for partners > T+1
      "settlementEnd": "2023-02-28T16:14:19.091Z"

Examples for different transaction types:

See Reconciliation for explanation of the transaction types.


  "repayments": [
        "batchDate": "2023-02-28T00:00:00",
        "batchNumber": null,
        "companyId": "PM23978342",
        "liberisId": "7c80ac4a-2f1e-461a-a916-85b66b888491",
        "currencyCode": "GBP",
        "transactionType": "Unsettled",
        "transactionAmount": 1000.00,
        "repaymentAmount": 200.00,
        "settlementStart": null,
        "settlementEnd": null


  "repayments": [
        "batchDate": "2023-02-28T00:00:00",
        "batchNumber": "15343444",
        "companyId": "PM23978342",
        "liberisId": "7c80ac4a-2f1e-461a-a916-85b66b888491",
        "currencyCode": "GBP",
        "transactionType": "Settled",
        "transactionAmount": 7000,
        "repaymentAmount": 1400,
        "settlementStart": "2023-02-21T00:00:00",
        "settlementEnd": "2023-02-27T00:00:00"


  "repayments": [
        "batchDate": "2023-02-28T00:00:00",
        "batchNumber": null,
        "companyId": "PM23978342",
        "liberisId": "7c80ac4a-2f1e-461a-a916-85b66b888491",
        "currencyCode": "GBP",
        "transactionType": "Revenue",
        "transactionAmount": 7000,
        "repaymentAmount": 0,
        "settlementStart": null,
        "settlementEnd": null