API Reference

This page lists the various events you may encounter while a deal is under processing for Liberis. Be aware that the events you receive will vary based on the agreed Payment Method between you and Liberis. For any inquiries, please contact your partner manager.

Events: transaction_notification

This webhook is triggered every time a transaction is created against the merchant flexi account. This can be payment, disbursement etc. This hook also usually implies a change in balance for a merchant.

  "id": "flexi_6fdbcd36-c06f-467b-b1f1-ee88abff9626",
  "api_version": "1.0",
  "event": "transaction_notification",
  "created_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
  "data": {
    "date": "<datetime>",
    "id": "<transaction id>",
    "type": "Split | Non-Split | Refund | Correction | Discount | Funding",
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": {
      "liberis": 400,
      "merchant": 0,
      "revenue": 2
    "references": {
      "account_id": "FLEXIACC-MDZ31R",
      "liberis_id": "6f07701-96d0-4d1a-b82c-ad6c069014fe",
      "partner_client_id": "M_12432_4345"
idguidThe unique identifier for the webhook event.
api_versionstringVersion of the API being used.
eventstringThe type of the event being communicated. In this case, it's application_updated.
created_datestringISO date string indicating when the event was triggered.
datedatetimeDate of transaction creation
idobjectIdentifier of specific transaction
typestringType of the transaction. Possible Values:Split | Non-Split | Refund | Correction | Discount | Funding
currencystringCurrency of transaction
amount.liberisnumberamount sent to Liberis.
amount.merchantnumberamount sent to merchant.
amount.revenuenumbermerchant revenue declared as part of the transaction.
account_idstringUnique identifier for a flexi account.
liberis_idguidThe unique identifier for the merchant within Liberis' system, also referred to as the LiberisId.
partner_client_idstringThe unique identifier for the merchant within your system, as provided to Liberis.