
When using the Partner Split method, the split will be handled by the partner. It is important that the split is applied and removed at the correct times (with the correct percentage).


CategoryDescriptionWebhookAction RequiredNotification?
Payment SetupA deal requires payment setup as part of our pre-funding checks.awaiting_split_validationConfirm that there are no barriers in place that would prevent a split being applied.

Recommended: use technical measures to ensure that this will not change before the deal becomes active.
Required. Use the notify action.

Note: if there is already an active Liberis deal with a working split then you should report this step as successful.
DealA deal has been approved and funds disbursed to the merchant.deal_startedApply the split percentage contained within the webhook to the merchant's transactions and start including this merchant in your settlement reporting.Required. Use the notify action.
DealA deal has ended due to the start of a new deal for that merchant.deal_renewedNone.No.
DealA deal has ended due to being fully paid off.deal_completeUpdate the settlement details for the merchant so that you no longer pay into the settlement account.Required. Use the notify action.


deal_renewed and deal_started are not guaranteed to arrive in any particular order. You MUST always apply the split percentage from a deal_started webhook, even if there is already an active deal.