API Reference

This page lists the various events you may encounter while a deal is under processing for Liberis. Be aware that the events you receive will vary based on the agreed Payment Method between you and Liberis. For any inquiries, please contact your partner manager.

Events: flexi_started

Triggered when a Flexi account is approved by Liberis, marking it as active. This means the merchant is now able to start taking advances from the account. At this stage, a partner should enable a split if they are controlling the split mechanism.

  "id": "6e17e99c-d2fc-48d6-b60a-d543c5c8aa52",
  "api_version": "1.0",
  "event": "flexi_started",
  "created_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
  "data": {
    "flexi_account_id": "FLEXIACC_6G3S6W1",
    "type": "Flexi",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "start_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
    "pricing": {
      "split_percent": "20",
      "amount": "10000"
    "references": {
      "account_id": "FLEXIACC-MDZ31R",
      "liberis_id": "6f07701-96d0-4d1a-b82c-ad6c069014fe",
      "partner_client_id": "M_12432_4345"
flexi_account_idstringThe ID of the Flexi Account in the Liberis system
typestringThe type of deal which has been started
currencystringThe three-letter ISO currency code.
start_datestringAn ISO date string indicating when the deal was activated.
pricingobjectThe agreed pricing for the Flexi account
split_percentstringThe split applied to advances taken within the Flexi account.
amountstringThe total amount available with the Flexi account
referencesobjectA list of ids for related objects
applicationstringThe unique identifier for the application as recorded in Liberis' system.
merchantguidThe unique identifier for the merchant within Liberis' system, also referred to as the LiberisId.
external_merchantstringThe unique identifier for the merchant within your system, as provided to Liberis.
actionsobjectA collection of URLs for actions pertinent to this event.
notifystringThe URL to be called to notify Liberis of successful updates to the merchant's account for fund redirection to the settlement account.

Refer to Replying to Webhook Actions for more details.

Events: flexi_complete

Triggered when an active Flexi account is concluded normally, indicating its inactive status. This means the merchant is now unable to take more advances from the account. At this stage, a partner should disable a split if they are controlling the split mechanism.

  "id": "6e17e99c-d2fc-48d6-b60a-d543c5c8aa52",
  "api_version": "1.0",
  "event": "flexi_complete",
  "created_date": "2023-02-06T13:40:00Z",
  "data": {
    "flexi_account_id": "FLEXIACC_6G3S6W1",
    "end_date": "2024-02-06T13:40:00Z",
    "references": {
      "account_id": "FLEXIACC-MDZ31R",
      "liberis_id": "6f07701-96d0-4d1a-b82c-ad6c069014fe",
      "partner_client_id": "M_12432_4345"
flexi_account_idstringThe ID of the Flexi Account in the Liberis system
end_datestringAn ISO date string indicating when the deal completed
referencesobjectA collection of identifiers relating to various associated entities or objects.
applicationstringThe unique identifier for the application as recorded in Liberis' system.
merchantguidThe unique identifier for the merchant within Liberis' system, also referred to as the LiberisId.
external_merchantstringThe unique identifier for the merchant within your system, as provided to Liberis.
actionsobjectA collection of URLs for actions pertinent to this event.
notifystringThe URL to be called to notify Liberis of the outcomes of the pre-split checks.

Refer to Replying to Webhook Actions for more details.