Monthly or daily merchant data sharing is an incredibly important step in partner integrations with Liberis when integrating and onboarding merchants. Sharing the data allows partners to do two things:

  • See which merchants are eligible for revenue based finance and allow Liberis to curate a selection file containing specific offers to be returned to the partner for marketing purposes.
  • Link transaction data to a merchant identifier when an offer is created via the 'Get offers' API. This allows us to quote merchants using the transaction data provided in these files.

Liberis requires two files sent via SFTP in order to build a financial overview of a merchant:

*SFTP credentials and whitelist are provided during partner integration and onboarding

Business Snapshot

The business snapshot gives Liberis a set of pseudonymised rows containing merchant identifiers and entity information without exposing personally identifiable information. Liberis attaches the transactions from the Transactions Snapshot file to this data to build a financial image of the merchant entity.

Download example business snapshot


Field nameDescriptionFormatNullableExample
Company_IDAlphanumeric company identifierNVARCHAR(100)NoABC11111
Entity_Type​Legal entity type of businessNVARCHAR(100)YesLimited Company
Country_Code​ISO-Alpha 3 Country Code of the businessNVARCHAR(3)NoCAN
Partner_Name​Designated partner name (aides automation on our side)NVARCHAR(150)NoPaymentsCo
SubBrand​If Applicable, a sub-brand identifier; otherwise Partner_NameNVARCHAR(150)NoSubCo
Customer_Start_Date​Date customer started trading with PartnerDATENo2023-02-10
Has_Email​Binary flag for if merchant has an email address recordedINTYes1
Has_Merchant_Telephone​Binary flag for if merchant has a tel number recordedINTYes0


Company_ID - This is one of two key identifiers used for customers. In the campaign processing; the aggregation of a company’s transaction & other information will centre around this ID. Liberis will always prefer you use an internal (to the partner) ID so that processes around passing data to/from Liberis and the partner are kept as simple as possible. If this ID is > 10 digits long it may not be useable for customers to identify themselves to Liberis so we’ll need to use the MID in the marketing or an alternative ID.​

Entity_Type - The legal entity type of a business can have an impact on how they’re segmented in the marketing (depending on combined segment choices for a campaign) as well as the risk scoring & decisioning at the point of marketing.​

Country_Code - This is used to identify customers we’re able to process through the mechanisms & framework available within the partnerships. It also enables Liberis to split up customer bases into country groups where necessary.​

Partner_Name - This is the name of the partner sharing data with us. This enables the automated service to identify the customer group and store in the correct place.​

SubBrand - This is a purposely flexible column – if the partner needs to cut up their customer base for any specific reason, this allows Liberis to do exactly that. If not needed then please fill with the Partner_Name​

Customer_Start_Date - Our underwriting rules require customers to have been in business for >=4 months and Liberis uses the date they start with the partner as a proxy for that.​

Has_Email - This will impact the marketing channel & segment choices by identifying channels Liberis can use with a specific customer.​

Has_Merchant_Telephone - This will impact the marketing channel & segment choices by identifying channels Liberis can use with a specific customer.

Transaction Snapshot

The Transaction snapshot in contrast contains daily aggregated information about a merchants transactions and revenue. Liberis uses this data to assess performance and check eligibility, while also apply pricing logic to give a set of offers back to the partner for marketing, or to power our own marketing.

Download example transaction snapshot


Field NameDescriptionFormatNullable
Company_ID​Alphanumeric company identifierNVARCHAR(100)​No
Merchant_ID​Alpha numeric identifier for card terminalNVARCHAR(100)​No
Partner_Name​Designated partner name (aides automation on our side)NVARCHAR(100)​No
SubBrand​If Applicable, a sub-brand identifier; otherwise Partner_Name​NVARCHAR(150)​No
MID_Start_Date​The open date for the specific MIDDATE​No
Terminal_Type​Whether the terminal is card present, ecommerce, etc.​

For non-acquirer partners use this field to identify the income stream
MCC_Code​Mastercard MCC code for the MIDNVARCHAR(50)​Yes
MCC_Description​Description of the aboveNVARCHAR(250)​Yes
Currency_CodeISO alpha-3 currency code in which the transactions are completed inNVARCHAR(3)​No
Country_CodeISO alpha-3 country code of the terminalNVARCHAR(3)​No
Transaction_Month_DateDate the transactions have taken place (YYYY-MM-DD)NVARCHAR(8)​No
Transaction_TypeType of transaction - one row per transaction type per MID, per monthNVARCHAR(50)​No
TurnoverValue of transactions for the time period, daily, weekly, monthly - no commas or symbols, negative values for Chargebacks and ReturnsFLOAT​No*
Trans_CountNumber of transactions per month - no commas or symbols, negative values for Chargebacks and ReturnsINT​No*
File_Created_DateDate of file creation (YYYY-MM-DD)NVARCHAR(8)​No

*If MID didn’t record transactions in that given month, put 0 not NULL


Company_ID - This is one of two key identifiers used for customers. In the campaign processing; the aggregation of a company’s transaction & other information will centre around this ID. Liberis prefers you use an internal (to the partner) ID so that processes around passing data to/from Liberis and the partner are kept as simple as possible. If this ID is > 10 digits long it may not be useable for customers to identify themselves to Liberis so we’ll need to use the MID in the marketing or an alternative ID. Fundamentally this should be at the legal entity level, as it is one BCA per legal entity.​

Merchant_ID – This is the identifying ID for the payment channel being referenced in the record. For payment acquiring partners this should always be available however may not be available or used as a distinct ID for a payment channel for other partners. Where this ID is not available please sub in the Company_ID (so it’s copied in both of the first two columns).​​

Partner_Name - This is the name of the partner sharing data with us; key thing is to keep this consistent month-to-month. This enables the automated service to identify the customer group and store in the correct place.​

SubBrand - This is a purposely flexible column – if the partner needs to cut up their customer base for any specific reason, this allows Liberis to do exactly that. If not needed then fill with Partner_Name. This column is used to match the Details & Transactions files so please ensure it’s consistent between the two for one company.​​

MID_Start_Date – This is the start date (with the Partner) of the payment channel or MID. This is used within the offer creation process to identify where transaction volumes are missing whether it’s due to the payment channel not existing, or whether it’s actually not transacting. If not available (for example if you can’t split the payment channels information) then please use the Customer_Start_Date from Details.​

Terminal_Type – Another flexible column; where possible we’d like to Identify whether a payment channel is F2F, Ecomm, Virtual etc. However for some partners this information won’t be available. Where it’s not available but there are other ways to split the revenue streams – for example if the partner can identify Card and Cash revenue then use this column.​

MCC_Code and MCC_Description – The MCC is a Mastercard-led business classification which is used by acquirers and payment processors. If the MCC is not available but SIC (or equivalent) is, then Liberis can use that, it just needs to be prefaced with “SIC:”.​

Currency_Code - This is currency that the payments were processed in; enables Liberis to process & price customers correctly without mixing currencies. Whether you separate currencies or not depends on split capabilities – if you are able to apply a split on all currencies within the remit of a single BCA; you can group transactions up into a common currency.​

Country_Code - This is used to identify customers we’re able to process through the mechanisms & framework available within the partnerships. It also enables Liberis to split up customer bases into country groups where necessary.​

Transaction_Month_Date - This is date that the transactions (shown in Turnover and Trans_Count) were recorded in.​

Transaction_Type - This is used to identify what type of payment record it is. For many of our partners only SALES is available, which is not an issue. SALES is the most crucial whilst RETURNS and CHARGEBACKS are used to fine-tune the offers and identify potential risks.

Turnover and Trans_Count - This is arguably the most important piece of information in the table and is the value, and the count of transactions recorded within that month.